How to create and join a Guild
Creating a guild is one of the features requested by a lot of players. We'll be holding a lot of new guild tournaments in the near future! Quickly make a mark for your mighty team!
People can make a request to join your guild
First step before creating a guild
In order to create your own guild, you need to be a VIP Staker. Please make sure you hold at least 100,000 RICE in your wallet.
You can buy RICE token here:
Step 1: Visit Staking page on Rooster Battle website => Choose “VIP Privileges when staking RICEs”:
Step 2: Click “Approve for sending RICEs” button. After staking successfully, your account will be VIP account level 1 in 120 days. You can check your account information at:
After 120 days, your account level will return to 0 and all the benefit of VIP account will be cancelled. You can renew your account OR select the cancel button to stop renewing your VIP account and withdraw your staked RICE.
All of the operations and features for VIP Staker will be done in the Game Profile section as above:
How to create your guild
Step 1: Go to visit
Step 2: At “Create Guild” section, please fill the name of your guild, then click “Create New Guild” button.
After having created successfully, you can check your guild info here. You can also be able to change Guild name.
When new member request to join your guild, you can check and make your decision (Approve or Reject)
If you want to remove someone from your guild, please click “Kickout” button
How to join a Guild
Everyone is allowed to join any guild without being a VIP Staker.
Step 1: Go to visit
Step 2: At the “Active Guilds” box, click the down arrow and find click the guild you want to join
Step 3: Click “Request to join” button and wait for the Guild’s owner approval. You can also cancel the request if you change your mind.